CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Infrastructure


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  1. chdot

    Posted 9 years ago #
  2. ih

    Thank you for these notes. Two omissions stand out to me. 1. What are the "issues" exactly? It has never been stated. If it is speed, what is the evidence? 2. In what sense are the issues "agreed"? Again, if speed is the issue, this shouldn't be "agreed" by anyone representing cyclists without some evidence. I don't agree that speeding is the issue. The issue is that a minuscule number of locals don't want cyclists on their path.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  3. gembo

    Cyclists dismount?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  4. Stickman

    Cyclists shout "Fore"?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  5. minus six

    The issue is that a minuscule number of locals don't want cyclists on their path

    I posit that what they really want to maintain is the freedom to run their dogs freely without a leash, on this path.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  6. SRD

    Why was segregation 'not well received'?

    Why is chicane 'preferred solution'?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  7. fimm

    "Segregation suggestion not well recieved by group"

    What exactly was suggested?

    Who are the members of the "group"? How do we know that they are representative of the users of that path?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  8. Dave

    "will be discussed with this group before public consultation"

    I'm amazed this was minuted. Why does this secret group have a say in what is put to public consultation rather than our elected representatives (or at least officials)?

    Has anyone submitted an FOI for all the communication relevant to this yet?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  9. Dave

    Also, WTF with "shines into cyclist's eyes"! It's the same lighting fitted for miles on the canal... literally the least dazzling lighting anyone can imagine!

    Clearly all the lights on the canal will need to be removed too.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  10. neddie

    Well you could argue the canal should be properly lit with streetlights too.

    Instead of some half-cocked cheapo LED scheme

    Posted 9 years ago #
  11. ih

    @Dave I'm happy to do an FoI but it would be my first. Any hints on approach to get most informative results?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  12. SRD

    worth asking for any data held on footfall / cycle use?

    (anyone available to do some counts of our own?)

    Posted 9 years ago #
  13. Dave

    I was thinking of doing a video survey a few days (or to be more precise, setting up a camera then doing a bit of work, as it's much easier to do a count later when it's all sped up immensely).

    Posted 9 years ago #
  14. ih

    Sounds good @Dave. Are there any privacy ramifications - setting up a camera in a public place?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  15. chdot

    "Who are the members of the "group"? How do we know that they are representative of the users of that path?"

    I have the names of the people who were at the meeting that those notes were written after.

    They are not all names I recognise and am not putting them here to avoid 'Google stalking'.

    I am quite confident that they are not 'representative' in any meaningful sense.

    This all started when a pedestrian was hit by a bike/rider in the dark. They complained to Spokes and CEC - there's a CCE thread (some people doubted that it 'ever happened'.)

    Whether there is a real 'problem' is open to question. Arguably the fact that, on a daily basis, cyclists and pedestrians have REAL problems (on the roads) is a real problem.

    The PROBLEM is that this is 'normal' - 'can't do anything about it' or at least 'without spending lots of money' OR 'by changing the behaviour of people/drivers'.

    Implicitly this path is a 'problem' that can be solved by getting people around a table and coming up with a 'solution'.

    Which would be fine if the people around the table were the only people using the path!

    (Or the solution was 'perfect'!)

    Don't really think there is room for a decent width segregated path - or the money (or really the justification for spending it).

    Certainly no room/money for a segregated path with a fence down the middle to keep dogs out!

    Let's say there is a balance of problems - (too many) cyclists going too fast and (too many) dog owners not controlling their dogs.

    I don't know if either of these are 'real' problems - or even 'problems' perceived by more than a handful of people.

    But an extra chicane is unlikely to improve things - or "cyclists slow down" signs or even "this is shared space, you lot had better behave yourselves - or else".

    Better lighting would help. Would be worth asking why the golf clubs seem to have a veto on this - and why they are exercising it.

    It's a path for (responsible) shared use, that's what the Access Legislation was/is for.

    It was recently upgraded by CEC - which is generally a good thing, though may have been against the wishes of some people - in the same way that affects the WoL path up from the canal.

    Don't know if CEC overestimated the 'goodwill' of path users or underestimated the 'challenges' of creating a successful shared-use path.

    Or perhaps this a fuss about not a lot, which - for whatever reasons - CEC is taking more seriously than many other things!

    Posted 9 years ago #
  16. Dave

    Are there any privacy ramifications - setting up a camera in a public place?

    Not as many as setting them up in a private place :)

    Posted 9 years ago #
  17. DaveC

    Despite the list above from chdot I can confirm that I have:

    Never seen/witnessed any conflict on the path.

    Always witnessed interactions on the path between PEDs & cyclists as mutually respectful.

    Never seen any PEDs leaping for fear of their lives at cyclists as they ride down the path.

    Have often seen both PEDs & cyclists bring mutually respectful at both 'pinch points'.

    I ring my bell whenever I see other path users, slow to a crawl/almost stop when passing PEDs, and have only ever witnessed the politest of interactions between path users.

    On the other hand I have differing experiences at Cramond Brig where cyclist DO slow at the blind spots and dog walkers call their animals close, even if it means the dogs stop looking at the approaching cyclists and only focus of their owners, very occasionally resulting in a negative outcome.

    Dave C

    Posted 9 years ago #
  18. davidsonsdave

    I only ride on this path once a week but time it perfectly every time to meet a lady walking her dog towards me off the lead. She prefers to walk on the right hand side of the path whilst her dog prefers to be about 6m behind her the left hand side of the path.

    Our established routine is that I ring my bell and slow and she moves a bit more to the right hand side of the path whilst the dog continues to snuffle along on the left.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  19. Dave

    I've been through a few times at peak time recently. Struck by how there are almost no pedestrians, very few cyclists and basically no contention at all.

    Might post up this morning's rush hour flick later if I can summon the energy. It's terrifyingly dull.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  20. Baldcyclist

    The other evening a lady with a dog who was on the opposite side of the path stopped, then stepped off it completely whilst I passed.

    I had slowed to less about 10mph on seeing her, but she obviously perceived me to be some sort of risk to halt her journey on my account. Was a little weird.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  21. neddie

    Good news about the golf course path:

    The Bruntsfield Golf Club (who own the path) have agreed that proper street lighting can be put in.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  22. neddie

    Proper lighting was due to be installed "as soon as possible."

    However, "there is a lack of staff resource to undertake the design of the lighting"


    the installation of the lighting will not be happening imminently but we [CEC] are still hoping to implement it in the current financial year (by the end of March 2016)

    So, another winter of discontent...

    Posted 8 years ago #
  23. himupstairs


    Has anyone heard anything more about the installation of proper lighting on the golf course path?



    Posted 8 years ago #
  24. chdot


    It's still planned but won't be in place until around May.


    Posted 8 years ago #
  25. chdot



    Last year, the Council consulted on the installation of lighting along the Golf Courses Path in Barnton, which forms an important part of the off-road walking and cycling route between Edinburgh and the Forth Road Bridge. Upgrading works to resurface and widen the path have already been completed. The installation of lighting will complement these path improvements.

    The Councils Street Lighting team have become available at short notice and propose to carry out the installation of the lighting week commencing 17 October. It is expected that work will take approximately one week. The path will remain open during this period.


    Posted 7 years ago #
  26. Rosie

    @chdot - Great minds. Was just about to post this.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  27. himupstairs


    Posted 7 years ago #
  28. Beano

    Yes I was about to post something. I've noticed white arrows pointing to the verge and thought "I wonder if they are putting in lights"

    hopefully they take the opportunity to cut the jungle back a bit...what should be a nice wide path is, at some points, just wide enough for a bike (going slow) and a ped.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  29. barnton-to-town

    I know it's for the benefit of all, and safer all round ... but slightly downbeat because it's currently the only place on the commute that makes 800 lumens of light worth it.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  30. Arellcat

    I'd like them to construct a nice trestle viaduct along the length of the path in order to eliminate the tedious change in elevation.

    Posted 7 years ago #

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